Who we are

True to our clients, true to our values

True to our clients, true to our values

Fashions are short-lived. Partners like Pujadas are forever. Like the best things in life. Like good friends. Like a job well done. Trust. Responsibility. Professionalism. Qualities that have remained untouched in our company since it was founded over a century ago. A way of being and doing that creates bonds. That unites. For this reason, each and every one of our clients is part of Pujadas. For this reason we are one.


Domingo Pujadas i Amigó founds a company specialised in the marketing of chemicals and adhesives in the city of Barcelona.


The company extends its activities to the manufacture of adhesives, sulphonated oils, softeners and auxiliaries for the textile, tanning and papermaking industries.


Instigator and founding member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Spain.


Jose Maria Pujadas y Badia, nephew of the founder, set up the public limited company PJM Pujadas SA in 1924, and moved its head office to C/Bailén 20 in Barcelona.


The company greatly expands it manufacturing activities.


Start of the manufacture of industrial adhesives for the tobacco industry.


Construction of a new plant covering 1,300 square metres on Carrer Bach de Roda (Barcelona).


Start of export activity. Pujadas currently supplies industrial adhesives to over thirty countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, America and Asia.


Construction of new plant and laboratories in Rubí, (Barcelona).


Member of the Foundation responsible for the Sarrià Chemical Institute (Barcelona).


Opening of new offices next to the plant and laboratory, on a premises covering 12,000 square metres and with a production capacity of over 14,000 tons per year. Celebration of the company’s first centenary.


PJM Pujadas S.A. makes a commitment to quality and new technologies. This is illustrated by the decision to automate all business and production processes, thus obtaining ISO 9001 certification from AENOR.


Development of the company's international presence in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, America and Asia thanks to the large industrial groups we supply.


Rubí City Council, in the province of Barcelona, recognizes the excellent record and long-term establishment of the company in this area. In parallel, the CECOT business association recognises PJM Pujadas S.A. for its 118 years of outstanding growth.


Joins the project focussed on R & D and innovation in the field of sails for ocean-going yachts, linked to the Barcelona World Race. A strategic commitment to new high-tech fabrics, innovation and added value.


Commintment to the Environment and Health and Safety. ISO 14.001 and OHSAS 18.001 certification.

2010 - 2015

Within the context of its 120th anniversary, PJM Pujadas SA decided to take a step forward and promote a development plan to strengthen its presence in international markets (EMEA, CIS, Asia and America), basing its expansion in a culture of quality, innovation and productivity.

2015 - 2020

Global expansion, from EMEA to South East Asia and Americas, has reach momentum thanks to Pujadas’ unique position at all the Tobacco Multinationals. Parallelly, diversification in the form of new ecofriendly formulations for the Textiles, Food & Beverage and Packaging industries, has also witnessed huge growth. Closing the loop, our efforts are also aligned within the manufacturing of chemical mixtures for third party companies under toll manufacturing services agreements

2020 - 2030

Expansion, Consolidation, Enthusiasm. The three pillars behind the new Pujadas Vision for 2030. Enthusiasm over a way of thinking and doing based on quality, partnership, and growth. Pujadas is expanding worldwide, cooperating with global benchmark multinationals. Responsive. Closer, better, faster. Good chemistry makes everything possible. Joining forces. Always as One.

What can we glue for you?

Call us, write to us, consult us, order from us. Let's get in touch. Come into the world of Pujadas. A world where we all work as a team, where we all move forward together. Where the goal is always the same: your satisfaction. Our departments are at your full disposal. Now, today, tomorrow, always. Let’s combine our efforts. Let’s be one.

e-mail contact@pujadas1890.com
telephone +34 93 588 18 77
fax +34 93 588 23 77

PJM Pujadas S.A.
C. Ciclisme 1-3
Polígon Can Rosés
08191 Rubí - Barcelona. Spain. UE

© PJM Pujadas S.A.